Tag Archives: Brackish Fish

The banded archer fish is one of the most common brackish fish for home aquariums.

admin    December 18, 2019   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

Brackish Fish for Home Aquariums: What They Are and How They Live

Beyond the saltwater fish and freshwater fish lie species of fish that many aquarium owners might not talk about quite as often: brackish fish. Brackish fish allow for an amazing combination of the best of both worlds, and they open up possibilities for intriguing aquarium designs.

What Brackish Fish Are

Brackish fish live where freshwater meets saltwater, where rivers flow into seas or oceans. Brackish water has more salt than freshwater, but not quite as much as oceans. Certain freshwater fish can adapt to a brackish environment, but some species of fish only live in brackish waters.

Brackish aquariums are a combination of freshwater and saltwater tanks. They’re not extremely common in the aquarium hobby, although some people do enjoy keeping brackish tanks and the hobby is becoming increasing popular.

These tanks also provide the best of both worlds in terms of cost and beauty. They tend to be less expensive to maintain than saltwater aquariums, but hobbyists have options for beautiful and unique fish like they would in a saltwater tank.

Because of their natural habitat, they can tolerate a wide range of salinities. Ideally, the water would have a salinity of 1.005 and 1.012 and a pH of 7.5 to 8.4 with alkalinity between 180 ppm and 360 ppm.

There’s one important aspect to note. Because the salinity of brackish water changes with the flow of the water, fish in the wild learn to adapt by moving to more ideal habitats. Because fish can’t relocate in a tank, the challenge of owning a brackish tank is in maintaining an appropriate salinity. In other words, the fish can’t move to where they’re more comfortable like they would in nature, so you have to provide them with a level of comfort that’s acceptable at all times.

Popular Brackish Fish Breeds for Aquariums

Certain types of mollies are brackish fish.

Certain types of mollies are brackish fish.

Following are a handful of waters that are considered brackish:

  • Baltic Sea, located between Sweden, Finland, and Poland
  • Black Sea, located between Romania, Turkey, and Georgia
  • Hudson Bay, located in central Canada between Nunavut, Manitoba, and Ontario
  • Caspian Sea, located between Europe and Asia
  • Lake Charles in Lake Charles, Louisiana

There are some “true” brackish fish, and some freshwater fish that can adapt to the environment.

Two of the most popular brackish fish for home aquariums include Mono Sebae and Mono Argentus. These amazing fish do well in regular saltwater tanks as adults, but they can live in freshwater as juveniles.

Other popular brackish fish include:

  • Figure 8 Puffer/Pufferfish
  • Green Scat
  • Archer Fish
  • Various species of goby, including Bumblebee Goby and Violet Goby
  • Various species of mollies, such as Black Sailfin Mollies and Balloon Mollies
  • Four-Eyed Fish (Anableps)
  • Drum Fish
  • Tigerfish
  • Asian Cichlids
  • Ray Fish

Contact Seatech Aquariums for saltwater fish tank installation and maintenance in Phoenix, Arizona.

TAGS: Brackish Fish,

Angelfish are among the more versatile aquarium fish.

admin    June 18, 2019   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

What are the Differences Between Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Fish?

On the surface, the differences between freshwater fish and saltwater fish are obvious: one lives in saltwater and the other lives in freshwater.  If you delve deeper into the issue, however, you’ll see there are actually several less apparent differences based on the biology and history of the fish.

In fact, you could say the two different types of fish are from different worlds.

The Main Differences Between Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Fish

Let’s start with some basic definitions. Saltwater typically refers to water found in oceans and seas, and freshwater is found in lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams. Freshwater only accounts for less than 3 percent of all the water on earth, but ironically, freshwater fish make up almost half of all fish species.

The differences between freshwater fish and saltwater fish include the idea that freshwater fish are more resilient.

Gourami fish are among the more popular fish for freshwater aquariums.

The way fish take in and eliminate water is perhaps the most significant difference between saltwater and freshwater fish. Fishes’ natural biological functions compensate for the environment in which they live in order to survive.

Both types of fish need salt in order to survive, but the way their bodies function is actually the opposite of what one may expect.

A saltwater fish’s body contains less salt than the water around it. In order to prevent dehydration, it takes in a large amount of water and secretes the salt through its gills. In other words, it’s saltwater in and salt out on a regular basis. Saltwater fish produce very little urine in order to hold onto the now more pure water created through this elimination of excess salt.

A freshwater fish, on the other hand, does hold onto the salt in its body because there isn’t as much of it in its environment. It takes water in through its skin and gills all the time in order to stay healthy. As a result, it produces much more urine than saltwater fish.

Other Notable Differences

There are many differences between freshwater fish and saltwater fish, like this black, gold, and white dotted clown triggerfish.

Saltwater fish, like this Clown Triggerfish, tend to be more colorful than freshwater fish.

  • Because the bodies of water that freshwater live in are smaller than oceans and seas, the body of water itself changes over time. As a result, freshwater fish may be tougher and can adapt to their environments easier than saltwater fish do. Saltwater fish that live in abundance of space are accustomed to a more stable lifestyle. As a result, taking care of saltwater fish in an aquarium may be a little more challenging.
  • Freshwater fish can be coldwater fish or tropical fish, while saltwater fish are almost all coldwater fish, which means they are comfortable in slightly cooler water.
  • Saltwater fish tend to be more colorful and diverse in their appearance as a result of how they live and behave in their natural habitat in the ocean or sea.
  • A few types of fish and other animals can live in either saltwater or freshwater, although it’s not common.

Brackish Fish

Scat fish are among the most common brackish fish.

Scat fish are among the most common brackish fish.

Some types of fish live in brackish water, which is where freshwater meets saltwater and where rivers flow into oceans. There isn’t a big selection of these fish, called brackish fish, in the aquarium hobby, although some hobbyists do keep brackish tanks.

Breeds of brackish fish include drum fish, tigerfish, Asian cichlids, halfbeak fish, flagfish, and scats.

TAGS: Brackish Fish, freshwater fish, saltwater fish,