Tag Archives: Aquarium Sharks

A rainbow shark, shown here, is among popular aquarium sharks.

admin    July 2, 2021   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

Popular Aquarium Sharks: A Fascinating Commitment with a Stunning Appeal

Sharks. They’re not just for scary movies.

In reality, they are some of the most popular aquarium fish. There are hundreds of breeds of sharks and rays, and most sharks are not nearly as large as Jaws.

So don’t fear the water. If anything, sharks can become your favorite wet pets.

5 of the Most Popular Sharks for Aquariums

The scientific name for sharks is selachimorpha. They are part of the Animalia and phylum Chordata families, and rays are their sisters.

Following are some of the most popular breeds of sharks for home and business aquariums.

1. Rainbow Sharks

Even though they only grow to about 6 inches, a single rainbow shark would require a tank that is at least 55 gallons large. The pH level of the water should be 6.8 to 8, and the temperature range is 75 to 85 degrees.

Despite their colorful name and sweet appearance, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies in this tank. These fish are actually rather aggressive and territorial. Because they are bottom dwellers, adding other bottom feeders to the tank is therefore not ideal. They might also get into it with each other, which is why a larger tank is necessary in order to provide them with room to stake their claims.

2. Red-Tailed Sharks

Also growing to only about 6 inches long, red-tailed sharks are among the most popular sharks for home aquariums. They do require slightly cooler water of about 77 degrees, as well as a pH of about 7.

They can live with tetras, gouramis, angelfish, and similar pets that stay near the middle or top of the tank. Red-tailed sharks do require plenty of places to hide, so you should design your fish tank to accommodate their shy nature. When they get older, they may become territorial like other sharks.

This fish is recognizable by, as the name indicates, its red tail. Its body is usually black or dark blue.

3. Bala Sharks

Bala sharks are probably the gentlest of the five sharks on this list, and they love to swim around the tank throughout the day. 

They are usually gray, but may have a yellow stripe. The signature dorsal fins are a recognizable characteristic of bala sharks and many other breeds of sharks. Balas can grow to about a foot long.

Bala sharks might not be ideal for beginning hobbyists. They do require meaty foods, as well as a steady water temperature of about 77 degrees. The pH of the water should be between 6.5 and 8.

4. Black Sharkminnows

A black sharkminnow is not for the faint of heart. It really lives up to its name, but it is a fun fish to own. It’s a fast swimmer and can grow to nearly 3 feet long. That means you will need a massive tank that can hold more than 200 gallons of water.

It’s also very aggressive, so you will need to make sure you don’t place other bottom dwellers in the tank with it.

5. Iridescent Sharks

Iridescent sharks are ideal only for experienced hobbyists. Obtaining one of these babies would be almost like adopting a dog or a cat! With loving care and attention, iridescent sharks can live for 20 years.

Requiring tanks that can hold more than 300 gallons of water, iridescent sharks can grow to a whopping 4 feet! They also have big appetites, so be prepared to feed them a whole lot of nutritious, meaty foods.

When they’re young, these sharks are luminous in color, but they turn gray or black with age. Their bodies are somewhat rounder and puffier than other sharks on this list.

The tank should be kept at about 75 degrees with a pH level of about 7.

While pet sharks require serious commitment, they are still some of the most fascinating fish to own. And you also get bragging rights. Tell your friends and family you own a shark, and watch their reaction. You own a shark, after all! … 

Okay, okay … we have to stop right there and tell you the truth.

We don’t want to deflate your dreams of owning a real shark, but we have to tell you this: Most of the above are not truly “sharks.” They simply look like sharks and carry that name. True sharks are saltwater fish.

The sharks we name here are typically freshwater species.

Just don’t tell your guests that, and we won’t either.

If these five popular aquarium sharks don’t quite float your boat, see this blog to learn more about several more top breeds.

TAGS: Aquarium Sharks,

admin    August 6, 2017   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

Ever Want to Own a Shark? Here are the Best Sharks for a Home Aquarium

When we think of a shark, we think of “Jaws,” dangerous teeth, enormous creatures and powerful oceans. Well that’s only part of the story. Realistically, there are hundreds of different types of sharks, some of which you can even have as pets. The best sharks for a home aquarium would provide your family with plenty of enjoyment and probably some excited, “What? You have a shark?” comments from visitors. But what are the most ideal sharks for home aquariums? Well, right off the bat, we’d definitely stick with the little ones. …

4 of the Best Sharks for a Home Aquarium

Best Sharks for a Home Aquarium

Following are four of the best sharks for a home aquarium. Most have similar characteristics, and in the wild, they tend to be bottom-feeders. They also tend to be nocturnal and prefer shallow water with coral reefs.

These fish are the best sharks for a home aquarium because they don’t grow much larger than about 2 feet long, generally. Contrary to popular belief and movie myths, they tend to be relatively friendly animals.

1. Cat Sharks

There are about 160 different kinds of cat sharks in 17 categories within the Scyliorhinidae family. They often have cat-like eyes and dark bodies with unique markings. Generally, they grow to about 30 inches long.

2. Bamboo Sharks

As described on the St. Louis Zoo website, bamboo sharks belong to the family Hemiscyllidae. They are known as cat sharks because, like most cat sharks, they look like they have whiskers. Two of our favorite types of bamboo sharks are white-spotted bamboo sharks and brownbanded bamboo sharks. They prefer shallow, tropical reefs, and in the wild, their preferred foods are crab, shrimp and small fish.

3. Epaulette Sharks

The epaulette shark also is in the Hemiscyllidae family, and it is certainly a site to see. Similar to many other types of sharks, while it does swim, it mostly “walks” on its fins, as stated on the Aquarium of the Pacific website. Epaulette sharks are about 30 inches long and have slender bodies with unique markings.

4. Wobbegong Sharks

Wobbegong sharks have carpet-like marks on their bodies. Some of these sharks do grow very large, so before you buy one, make sure it’s the right species. There are about 12 different types of wobbegong sharks within the Orectolobidae family. As described on the Shark Sider website, you will want to look for a tasseled or Ward’s wobbegong for a home tank.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for More Information

If you want more information about the best sharks for a home aquarium, let us know. We’ll be happy to provide you with suggestions or answer your questions.

We can be reached through our Seatech Aquariums website or by phone at 602-628-7270.

Best Sharks for a Home Aquarium


TAGS: Aquarium Sharks, Home Aquarium,