Tag Archives: Freshwater Aquarium

Some interesting killifish facts include the fact that there are more than 1,000 species of killifish, as well as the fact that annual killifish only live for up to 9 months.

admin    January 29, 2019   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

Freshwater Life: Killifish Facts

Despite its deceptive name, the killifish is one of the most peaceful freshwater fish. In addition to its calm demeanor, the killifish also is less fussy than some other aquarium fish. As if that’s not enough to make it popular among hobbyists, it also adds brilliant color to a fish tank. The main problem with them is that they probably won’t live as long as some other fish. If you’re considering obtaining one for your home aquarium, following are some basic killifish facts that will help you.

12 Killifish Facts You Should Know

1. Although they’re very peaceful, like many other fish, they can be competitive with other fish of the same gender and breed during mating season.

2. There are more than 1,000 species of killifish.

Killifish are peaceful, beautiful, and easy to maintain in a freshwater aquarium. One of the killifish facts you should know, however, is that they have a short lifespan, no matter how well you maintain your fish tank.3. Annual classes of killifish live up to only 9 months. Semi-annuals can live up to three years, and non-annuals can live up to five years.

4. The largest is about six inches, while the average size is about 3 inches.

5. You should feed them live fruit flies, brine shrimp, mosquito larva, and worms. They can be fed frozen foods as well.

6. The male killifish has an interesting social life. He usually lives with several female fish. He has to chase them to spawn, but the females find places to hide.

7. Male fish are brighter than female fish – in appearance, that is. It’s not clear which sex is smarter, but we’re betting on the female based on point number 6.

8. They have one of the most peculiar mating habits of any fish. Some lay fish with hard shells inside the mud of swamps and other shallow bodies of water, but only at about two inches underground. Once the pond dries up, the eggs hatch after it rains. The parents, however, will usually have already died, so they won’t meet their babies.

9. Because they prefer cooler temperatures, hobbyists are more likely to have success with them if they are placed in their own tank. The temperature of the tank for killifish should be about 68 degrees, while the ideal temperature ranges from about 74 to 80 degrees for other types of freshwater fish. However, killifish tend to have a short lifespan regardless of how well you take care of them.

10. The largest family of killifish is Rivulidae, which consists of more than 300 species. Other families include Aplocheilidae, Cyprinodontidae, Fundulidae, Profundulidae, and Valenciidae.

11. They can help control algae growth in a fish tank.

12. They live everywhere in the world except Australia, northern Europe, and Australia.

Contact Us for More Information

The above are only some of the killifish facts you would need to know if you’re interested in owning one or more. Contact us for more information about how to create and maintain the best environment for them.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for fish tank maintenance in the greater Phoenix area.


TAGS: Fish Facts, Freshwater Aquarium, Killifish Facts,

If you are considering obtaining one for a freshwater aquarium, there are a few oscar fish facts you should know, such as the fact that it's one of the smartest freshwater fish around.

admin    December 31, 2018   CATEGORY: Fish Facts ,Freshwater Aquariums

Freshwater Life: Facts About the Brilliant Oscar Fish

Oscar fish tend to stand out. Once you own one, everyone knows it. It’s probably because it’s one of the toughest and smartest freshwater fish out there. It also grows to a much bigger size than some other fish. With all of this to back it up, it can really command your attention.

If you’re considering obtaining an oscar fish for a business or home aquarium, here are a few things you should know.

Oscar Fish Facts

1. They’re so smart that they’re one of the few fish that can be trained to do tricks.

2. An oscar will need its own tank, but it can live with other oscars. They are actually happier with at least one companion in the fish tank. The tank should be at least 50 gallons.

3. You might be able to feed them from your hand.

4. Oscar fish generally grow to about 18 inches, and they grow quickly. In captivity, they may remain as small as 12 inches, but oscars as large as 22 inches have been found in the wild. They’re also relatively round and chubby.

5. It is a member of the cichlid family. Its scientific name is Astronotus ocellatus.

6. They are originally from South America’s Amazon River basin. Oscar Fish Facts: They grow rather large, so they need their own aquarium. Oscar fish thrive best in a freshwater aquarium with at least one similar companion.

7. They tend to live for 10 to 13 years.

8. They produce more waste than some other fish, so the aquarium will require more frequent cleaning. You will also need proper filtration systems for this type of fish. Nitrates for the oscars’ tank should be as close to 0 ppm as possible, but no greater than 40 ppm.

9. While maintaining an ideal water temperature is critical for all fish, oscars especially need the right environment in order to thrive and stay healthy. The temperature should be about 77 degrees. Use a heater for their tank to maintain the right temperature.

10. They can camouflage themselves for protection in the wild, but their bodies are usually dark.

11. Males and females generally look the same. Only their genital papilla is different.

12. In addition to teeth in their jaws, they have strong teeth at the back of their throats.

13. A female oscar can lay 1,000 eggs within a few days, but they won’t all make it.

14. Oscars can play dead when they feel threatened.

15. They need vitamin C to live.

16. In captivity, they should be fed crayfish, worms, and insects such as grasshoppers and crickets.

Help Maintaining an Oscar’s Fish Tank

Clearly, keeping an oscar’s fish tank clean and safe for the fish isn’t an easy task. Oscar fish can make a mess of their tank in no time, so you really need to stay on top of it. It’s also critical to maintain proper pH levels, nitrate levels, and water temperatures, as well as use filtration systems that are up to the job.

In order to ensure the most ideal environment for your oscar, it’s best to work with an aquarium maintenance technician. Contact us at Seatech Aquariums for aquarium maintenance services or fish tank installation, or to ask questions about how to properly care for your oscar fish.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for aquarium maintenance or fish tank installation services.


TAGS: Freshwater Aquarium, Freshwater Fish Facts, Oscar Fish Facts,