Tag Archives: Aquarium Water Quality

Goldfish might not be the best choice for a child's first fish, but with some education and aquarium maintenance tips, the pet could possibly live up to 20 years.

admin    October 31, 2019   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

A Child’s First Fish: Why Goldfish Might Not Be the Best

It seems every child had a goldfish growing up. The child may have given the fish a sweet little name and fed it every day like clockwork – maybe even a little too much. The child likely loved the little pet right up until the day the fish took its final breaths … within about a week after bringing it home.

The fact that goldfish are a favorite first fish in many households is rather ironic. They may be inexpensive and easy to handle at first, but truly they are not the easiest to care for overall.

Why Goldfish are Not Ideal for Beginners

1. The common home for a child’s goldfish is often a little fish bowl, but that’s not ideal. Because many goldfish can grow to almost 8 inches long, the bowl will cramp the fish’s style quickly.

2. Fish bowls are difficult to keep clean. Because it is small, a fish bowl can become saturated with ammonia quickly, suffocating the goldfish. Depending on the age of the child, a parent or other adult will likely need to help the child keep the bowl clean.

3. Goldfish need more oxygen than some other fish, and that’s much more than homeowners may realize. At the same time, fish don’t enjoy living their lives in one spot and would prefer to be able to swim around. That means an ideal goldfish fish tank is wider than the surface of a fish bowl, which would enable it to move around freely while at the same time coming up for air when it needs to.

4. Water needs to keep moving in order to create the much-needed oxygen and keep the water clean. A fish bowl simply isn’t adequate for that type of environment, even if you do add plants and air stones into the water.

5. Goldfish secrete more waste than some other fish. For that reason, even keeping an adequate-sized fish tank clean would be a challenge.

Add all of these factors together, and it’s a recipe for disaster. But there’s a bright side.

A goldfish may be challenging to maintain for beginning hobbyists, but if your child's wish is to have a goldfish, the pet can live a long and happy life if the child learns proper fish tank maintenance skills.

A goldfish may be challenging to maintain for beginning hobbyists, but if your child’s wish is to have a goldfish, the pet can live a long and happy life if the child learns proper fish tank maintenance skills.

Species of Fish that are Good for New Hobbyists

With the proper education and care, your child’s goldfish doesn’t have to be another statistic. In fact, some goldfish can live up to 20 years! It could stay with your child well into adulthood.

If you would rather not deal with goldfish altogether, there are many other species of fish that are much better for beginners. Here are just a few.

  • White cloud minnows
  • Danios
  • Swordtail fish
  • Certain types of tetras
  • Certain types of bettas
  • Platies
  • Guppies
  • Pearl gouramis
  • Plecos

Contact us for more information about setting up a child’s first fish tank and additional facts about the ideal livestock for it.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for more information about how to keep a goldfish healthy.


TAGS: Aquarium Environment, Aquarium Maintenance, aquarium setup, Aquarium Water Quality, Fish Facts,

admin    November 13, 2018   CATEGORY: Aquarium Maintenance ,Industry News and Tips ,Water Quality for Fish

Fish Tank Sizes: Why It’s Important to Choose an Adequate Size

You can see it, can’t you? A young child holding a fish bowl with both hands, peering into the top to see the fish swimming around. It seems every child cared for a little goldfish at some point, but somehow, all the goldfish went to a happier place, as Mom and Dad said. There are many possible reasons for that, but one is that the bowl itself might not have been suitable for the fish. Fish tank sizes are one of the most important factors in giving your fish the best life, and it’s about more than just giving them space to breathe.

Why the Right Fish Tank Sizes are Crucial

When it comes to fish tank sizes, let’s get this out of the way first: The bigger, the better. If you have the space and want to invest in a larger fish tank, it really won’t hurt, as long as you have appropriate heaters and other equipment installed. It’ll only make your home or place of business that much more beautiful.

That being said, you really should choose fish tanks that are of at least an adequate size, and here’s why.

1. The fish need room to roam.

Fish have different personalities and need room to do their thing. If they’re cramped, the fish are more likely to fight with each other. Without adequate space and the shelter of rocks and decor, especially timid fish might not stand a chance.

2. The fish need room to breathe.

Smaller fish tanks have less oxygen, and without an adequate supply of oxygen, fish will suffocate. That is especially true if too many fish, unwieldy plants, and other livestock are cramped in the tank.

3. Filters are a must.

If you truly want to give your fish a good home, you need to include at least the basic filters, as well as gravel, rock, and plants. There’s simply no room in a small tank or fish bowl for adequate equipment.

4. The water quality would be extremely poor otherwise.

It’s enough of a challenge to keep the water quality at an optimal level in a large fish tank. In a small fish tank, it would be nearly impossible. An appropriate fish-to-water ratio assures that the tank does not become saturated with debris and chemicals, which will endanger or kill the livestock.

Additionally, even if you try to help by cleaning the tank manually, you might not be able to keep up and find yourself frustrated with how much of your time the chore is consuming.

5. The temperature of the water won’t be optimal with an inappropriately sized tank.

If the fish-to-water ratio isn’t suitable, the water can become too warm, which will make your livestock uncomfortable.

How to Choose the Right Fish Tank Sizes

When it comes to fish tank sizes, there's really no harm in going big and bold if you have the space and an excellent aquarium technician to help you maintain your aquarium. Imagine one of these zoo aquariums in the lobby of your office building!The question that may come to mind now is, “Well, what size fish tank should I get?”

Some people use a one-to-one ratio, which is one inch of fish per one gallon of water.

However, we wouldn’t necessarily hold fast to that rule because many factors are involved in choosing the ideal fish tank size.  It truly depends on a combination of answers to the following questions.

  • How much space do you have in your home or place of business?
  • How many fish do you plan to place in the fish tank?
  • Do you prefer a fish tank full of decor, or is only the bare minimum enough?
  • What types of fish will you have in the tank?
  • Will you add livestock other than fish?
  • How large do your fish become when they are of adult size?
  • Do you plan to continue adding livestock to your tank over time?
  • How much time do you want to invest in maintaining the tank?
  • Will you have livestock in the tank that might not be compatible, and therefore need additional space?

These are only some of the questions that will make a difference in the tank you choose.

If you live in the Phoenix area, our aquarium technician can help you identify the right fish tank size in your particular scenario. Call us at (602) 628-7270 for the answers to your questions.


Contact our aquarium maintenance technician to learn more about the right fish tank sizes in your particular situation.

TAGS: Aquarium Maintenance, Aquarium Water Quality, Choosing a Fish Tank, Fish Tank Size,