Tag Archives: aquarium setup

Goldfish might not be the best choice for a child's first fish, but with some education and aquarium maintenance tips, the pet could possibly live up to 20 years.

admin    October 31, 2019   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

A Child’s First Fish: Why Goldfish Might Not Be the Best

It seems every child had a goldfish growing up. The child may have given the fish a sweet little name and fed it every day like clockwork – maybe even a little too much. The child likely loved the little pet right up until the day the fish took its final breaths … within about a week after bringing it home.

The fact that goldfish are a favorite first fish in many households is rather ironic. They may be inexpensive and easy to handle at first, but truly they are not the easiest to care for overall.

Why Goldfish are Not Ideal for Beginners

1. The common home for a child’s goldfish is often a little fish bowl, but that’s not ideal. Because many goldfish can grow to almost 8 inches long, the bowl will cramp the fish’s style quickly.

2. Fish bowls are difficult to keep clean. Because it is small, a fish bowl can become saturated with ammonia quickly, suffocating the goldfish. Depending on the age of the child, a parent or other adult will likely need to help the child keep the bowl clean.

3. Goldfish need more oxygen than some other fish, and that’s much more than homeowners may realize. At the same time, fish don’t enjoy living their lives in one spot and would prefer to be able to swim around. That means an ideal goldfish fish tank is wider than the surface of a fish bowl, which would enable it to move around freely while at the same time coming up for air when it needs to.

4. Water needs to keep moving in order to create the much-needed oxygen and keep the water clean. A fish bowl simply isn’t adequate for that type of environment, even if you do add plants and air stones into the water.

5. Goldfish secrete more waste than some other fish. For that reason, even keeping an adequate-sized fish tank clean would be a challenge.

Add all of these factors together, and it’s a recipe for disaster. But there’s a bright side.

A goldfish may be challenging to maintain for beginning hobbyists, but if your child's wish is to have a goldfish, the pet can live a long and happy life if the child learns proper fish tank maintenance skills.

A goldfish may be challenging to maintain for beginning hobbyists, but if your child’s wish is to have a goldfish, the pet can live a long and happy life if the child learns proper fish tank maintenance skills.

Species of Fish that are Good for New Hobbyists

With the proper education and care, your child’s goldfish doesn’t have to be another statistic. In fact, some goldfish can live up to 20 years! It could stay with your child well into adulthood.

If you would rather not deal with goldfish altogether, there are many other species of fish that are much better for beginners. Here are just a few.

  • White cloud minnows
  • Danios
  • Swordtail fish
  • Certain types of tetras
  • Certain types of bettas
  • Platies
  • Guppies
  • Pearl gouramis
  • Plecos

Contact us for more information about setting up a child’s first fish tank and additional facts about the ideal livestock for it.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for more information about how to keep a goldfish healthy.


TAGS: Aquarium Environment, Aquarium Maintenance, aquarium setup, Aquarium Water Quality, Fish Facts,

admin    January 26, 2015   CATEGORY: Fish Facts ,Industry News and Tips

Some Cool Facts About Fish that You Didn’t Know

I thought I would pass along some interesting facts that fish tank owners may not be aware of or have any ideas about the ‘why’ or ‘why not.’

How do fish sleep?

I know that most tank owners create an ambience with lighting so that at some point, it is low and/or diffused, that allows fish to rest. Since fish do not have ‘eyelids’ like you and I, I often wondered if and how fish sleep especially during those low-light tank times. Sleep to a fish is when they reduce their activity and metabolic rates. Once this happens, they seem to ‘float’ or hover in place like dancing seaweed. Sometimes they seek out a ‘safe’ spot – like burrowing in mud or among corals. It’s like finding a suitable nest so they can perform restorative functions, similar to a human’s need for daydreaming. Just to be still and quiet for a time helps reduce stress and even in their quite times, they are always on the lookout and ready should danger or predators approach.

Do fish drink water?

My next thought is do fish drink the water that they are swimming in. Freshwater fish live in water that is less salty than what is found inside their bodies. So they need to intake small amounts of water by osmosis through their tissues. Saltwater fish live in water that contain larger amounts of salt than what is found inside their bodies. They must take in larger amounts in order to live. Both fish drink water in order to equalize their bodies to their surroundings.

Do fish have a hearing?

Now I begin to wonder if fish can hear or detect sounds. We’ve all tried to catch a fish with our bare hands at one time or another without success. Think about the mechanics of a school of fish. They act in mass by swimming in the same direction and when one changes, they all change. Why? They coordinate their movements using the flow of water across their lateral line system. Any change in direction changes the flow of water, and then passes on to the next fish, and the next, and the next.

Why do fish behave oddly?

Finally, have you ever seen fish act ‘funny’ or display some ‘odd’ behaviors? If a fish flutters its fins or quivers and shakes in front of another fish, they use that as a defensive behavior. Fish can show submission as well. They either lie on their sides when another fish comes towards them, or they float motionless in a heads-up position.

For those of you that have wrasse or parrotfish in your tanks, they often scratch or bank their heads on a piece of coral. It’s not serious – just a way to help remove clotted salt from their gills. If other fish species do this, then they may be showing signs of having parasites or your water pH levels are too low. Some fish, like Catfish, Gobies, Triggers and others dig ‘pits’ in your gravel. This is their natural instinct for building a home, just like they would do out in the open waters. Gnawing on your coral? Wild Parrotfish are known to eat corals, and Triggers may use corals to sharpen their teeth.

If you want more help in coming to know your fish and making sure they stay healthy, call Seatech Aquariums today! Seatech caters to all types of clients – from large corporations to individuals with home aquariums. Jimmie and Mike will be able to help you figure out a plan, get started and enjoy your aquarium for years to come.

Need an aquarium check-up? Then Jimmie is the go-to guy. He will come out, assess your aquarium, make suggestions, and get your tank clean, sparkling, and well-maintained.

Don’t let your aquarium suffer the blues!! Let Seatech create the beauty of the ocean right in your own home.

TAGS: aquarium, aquarium expert, Aquarium Maintenance, aquarium phoenix, aquarium setup, coral, coral reef, Coral Tanks, facts about fish, fish, fish expert, fish fact, freshwater fish, freshwater tank, phoenix aquarium maintenance, phoenix aquarium setup, reef, Reef Aquarium, saltwater fish, saltwater tank,