Tag Archives: aquarium

Black ghost knifefish originate from the dark rivers of South America, such as the Amazon Basin shown here.

admin    July 31, 2019   CATEGORY: Fish Facts

Black Ghost Knifefish: Smooth, Suave, and Sneaky

Fascinating doesn’t even begin to describe the black ghost knifefish, one of the most unique fish out there. And considering the thousands of different breeds and their traits, that’s saying a whole lot!

Characterized by its long, sleek body and lack of scales, the black ghost knifefish is perfectly camouflaged in the wild and is ready to protect itself when necessary. Word of caution: Because it is such a unique fish, it’s more ideal for experienced hobbyists.

Facts about the Black Ghost Knifefish

  1. A black ghost knifefish has no scales and can grow to almost 2 feet long.It has no scales. While that is not common, the black ghost knifefish is not alone in this trait. Other fish that don’t have scales include eels, catfish, sharks, rays, sturgeons, blennies, and lampreys.
  2. Similar to an eel, it is an electric fish that uses an electric organ and receptors to find food.
  3. It is a freshwater tropical fish.
  4. Typically, the fish is all black except for two white rings on its tail and a white speck or stripe on its nose.
  5. It can grow to almost 2 feet long, so it will need a large fish tank, preferably at least 150 gallons.
  6. Watching it swim is quite a sight. It uses a fin under its body to move, making it look like a flag waving in the wind.
  7. The temperature in a black ghost knifefish’s tank should be 73 to 80 degrees, and the pH level of the tank should be 6.5 to 7.0.
  8. You can buy a small one for less than $20.
  9. It’s on the shy side, so it likes to hide in gravel and within plants.
  10. It prefers meaty foods like earthworms and shrimp.
  11. An adult black ghost knifefish has a very large mouth. With that mouth, it can eat other fish whole.
  12. Black ghost knifefish originate from the dark rivers of South America, and in the wild, they are nocturnal. Because they’re so hard to spot, they’re associated with urban legends. … What urban legends, you ask? Well, let’s just say Jaws has nothing on them.
  13. It doesn’t really get along with other black ghost knifefish, and it could eat small fish of other breeds. Having other fish in the tank may also interfere with the signals it needs to survive. Additionally, some other types of fish might bully the shy knifefish. For all these reasons, it really should live alone.

Starting a Black Ghost Knifefish Aquarium

If you’re planning on obtaining one of these spectacular fish, you’ll need to take special care of the tank and watch what you place into it. Our professional aquarium installation and maintenance team can help you create the right home for this unique fish.

Contact us through our website or by phone at (602) 628-7270 for aquarium installation or more information about how to care for a black ghost knifefish.

TAGS: aquarium, Black Ghost Knifefish, freshwater fish, Knife Fish,

admin    January 26, 2015   CATEGORY: Fish Facts ,Industry News and Tips

Some Cool Facts About Fish that You Didn’t Know

I thought I would pass along some interesting facts that fish tank owners may not be aware of or have any ideas about the ‘why’ or ‘why not.’

How do fish sleep?

I know that most tank owners create an ambience with lighting so that at some point, it is low and/or diffused, that allows fish to rest. Since fish do not have ‘eyelids’ like you and I, I often wondered if and how fish sleep especially during those low-light tank times. Sleep to a fish is when they reduce their activity and metabolic rates. Once this happens, they seem to ‘float’ or hover in place like dancing seaweed. Sometimes they seek out a ‘safe’ spot – like burrowing in mud or among corals. It’s like finding a suitable nest so they can perform restorative functions, similar to a human’s need for daydreaming. Just to be still and quiet for a time helps reduce stress and even in their quite times, they are always on the lookout and ready should danger or predators approach.

Do fish drink water?

My next thought is do fish drink the water that they are swimming in. Freshwater fish live in water that is less salty than what is found inside their bodies. So they need to intake small amounts of water by osmosis through their tissues. Saltwater fish live in water that contain larger amounts of salt than what is found inside their bodies. They must take in larger amounts in order to live. Both fish drink water in order to equalize their bodies to their surroundings.

Do fish have a hearing?

Now I begin to wonder if fish can hear or detect sounds. We’ve all tried to catch a fish with our bare hands at one time or another without success. Think about the mechanics of a school of fish. They act in mass by swimming in the same direction and when one changes, they all change. Why? They coordinate their movements using the flow of water across their lateral line system. Any change in direction changes the flow of water, and then passes on to the next fish, and the next, and the next.

Why do fish behave oddly?

Finally, have you ever seen fish act ‘funny’ or display some ‘odd’ behaviors? If a fish flutters its fins or quivers and shakes in front of another fish, they use that as a defensive behavior. Fish can show submission as well. They either lie on their sides when another fish comes towards them, or they float motionless in a heads-up position.

For those of you that have wrasse or parrotfish in your tanks, they often scratch or bank their heads on a piece of coral. It’s not serious – just a way to help remove clotted salt from their gills. If other fish species do this, then they may be showing signs of having parasites or your water pH levels are too low. Some fish, like Catfish, Gobies, Triggers and others dig ‘pits’ in your gravel. This is their natural instinct for building a home, just like they would do out in the open waters. Gnawing on your coral? Wild Parrotfish are known to eat corals, and Triggers may use corals to sharpen their teeth.

If you want more help in coming to know your fish and making sure they stay healthy, call Seatech Aquariums today! Seatech caters to all types of clients – from large corporations to individuals with home aquariums. Jimmie and Mike will be able to help you figure out a plan, get started and enjoy your aquarium for years to come.

Need an aquarium check-up? Then Jimmie is the go-to guy. He will come out, assess your aquarium, make suggestions, and get your tank clean, sparkling, and well-maintained.

Don’t let your aquarium suffer the blues!! Let Seatech create the beauty of the ocean right in your own home.

TAGS: aquarium, aquarium expert, Aquarium Maintenance, aquarium phoenix, aquarium setup, coral, coral reef, Coral Tanks, facts about fish, fish, fish expert, fish fact, freshwater fish, freshwater tank, phoenix aquarium maintenance, phoenix aquarium setup, reef, Reef Aquarium, saltwater fish, saltwater tank,