Category Archives: Saltwater Aquariums

admin    January 29, 2020   CATEGORY: Fish Facts ,Saltwater Aquariums

17 Facts about Starfish and How to Care for Them in Home Aquariums

Starfish must be one of the most unique and recognizable sea creatures known to man. Stunning in appearance, you can’t even tell if they are alive most of the time, but they’re sure intriguing to watch when they do move.

Many hobbyists enjoy adding starfish in aquariums, but here’s a fair warning: starfish are not for beginners. These creatures are very particular about water temperature and quality, so a great deal of skill and experience is required to care for them.

What can we say? Just like some other stars, they can be rather high strung and enjoy being the center of attention.

If you are a longtime hobbyist who is considering obtaining your first starfish, on the other hand, here are a few fun facts and care tips you should know.

1. Don’t let that smooth, calm, innocent demeanor fool you. Starfish will eat just about everything and destroy anything that gets in their way, including coral and even other starfish.

2. You will need a huge tank. At least 100 gallons is ideal.

3. The scientific name for the most common types of starfish (sea and cushion stars) is Asteroidea. Truly, has the scientific name of anything ever made more sense?

4. Two other types of starfish are Ophiuroidea (brittle, serpent, and basket stars) and Crinoidea (feather stars and sea lilies in the subclass Articulata).

A group of starfish are shown with their arms curled in different angles. There are many amazing facts about starfish, such as the fact that they have an eye at the end of each arm.

One of the amazing facts about starfish is that it can lose one of its arms in order to protect itself if its body becomes too warm.

5. Their tanks should include rock, coral, and sand, which they like to kick up and play in.

6. Some starfish will eat algae, but generally, be prepared to give them the good stuff. Even frozen fish food like clams, shrimp, or other meats might not satisfy their appetite, but you can feed them these.

7. Salinity levels should be almost untraceable. Generally, aim for 1.023 to 1.026.

8. Starfish come from the ocean, but they can be in tropical climates or arctic climates. For that reason, the temperature that starfish prefer will vary. Typically, the temperature should be between 72 and 78 degrees, but speak with our aquarium maintenance technician to determine the perfect temperature for your tank.

9. Based on a recent study, it’s dangerous if a starfish’s core rises above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. As seen during the study, to protect itself, it seemed to divert heat to its arms. If an arm stayed too warm for a few days, the arm would become soft and fall off.

10. A starfish has five eyes: one at the end of each of its arms. Talk about having eyes around your head.

11. Speaking of a head, it doesn’t actually have one. It doesn’t have a brain either.

12. Things are rather upside down and twisted in its world. Its mouth is on the underside of its body, and its bottom is on top.

13. They are covered by spiny skin.

14. A starfish has hundreds of tube feet that it uses to move around. They’re a little like suction cups on an octopus, but in a long, tubular form.

15. There are approximately 2,000 species of sea stars.

16. They do not have gills, scales, or fins, which brings us to our final facts about starfish. …

17. We’d hate to burst your bubble, but we just have to tell you this. Starfish aren’t fish at all. They’re actually called echinoderms and are related to sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for saltwater fish tank installation and maintenance in Phoenix, Arizona.

TAGS: Aquarium Maintenance, Saltwater Aquarium, Starfish, Wildlife Habitat,

Bubble algae in a saltwater fish tank is considered a pest.

admin    May 13, 2019   CATEGORY: Saltwater Aquariums

What is This Bubble Algae in My Saltwater Fish Tank?

Bubble algae may look pretty in a saltwater aquarium, but it’s important to bite the bullet and make efforts to eliminate them from the tank anyway. This type of algae can multiply before you know it, essentially ruining your beautiful aquarium and endangering the fish and other wildlife.

What is Bubble Algae?

Bubble algae can be found in oceans in tropical and subtropical climates around the world.Bubble algae look a little like boba that you might add to bubble tea or self-serve frozen yogurt, only larger.

They’re actually called Valonia Ventricosa and are a species of algae found in oceans in tropical and subtropical regions. They are most often green, but they may appear silver, teal, or black. The surface of the cell is shiny, and the diameter of each one ranges from less than half-inch to as much as 2 inches.

What Would Happen if This Type of Algae Got into a Saltwater Aquarium?

Bubble algae are considered undesirable pests. They cling to objects in the aquarium, and they reproduce quickly. They’re most often found on live rock and coral.

Anytime you have too much algae in a fish tank, the algae could suck oxygen away from fish and plants, as well as muck up the water to the point that you can no longer control it efficiently. Ultimately, it would endanger the health of your fish and other livestock.

Unfortunately, even well-maintained saltwater tanks may get a bubble alga or two. If you spot them and remove them quickly, you can stop the growth before it becomes a problem.

How Do You Remove Bubble Algae from a Saltwater Fish Tank?

Bubble algae can cling to live rock in a saltwater aquarium.Because bubble algae are like the ticks of the underwater world, removing them can be tricky. If you find one or two, manually removing them is best. However, you must ensure that you also remove the anchoring structures, or they will grow back. You also must be careful not to pop them, or they’ll multiply.

If possible, remove the object that the algae is on – such as perhaps a plant or live rock – from the tank prior to trying to manually remove the algae. This would help to prevent any of these complications. Afterward, leave the object in the sun for a few days, which will dry remaining algae. After a few days, use RODI water to rinse off the object before returning it to the aquarium.

A Midas Blenny is shown in a saltwater reef. As an algae eater, various types of blennies can help you get rid of bubble algae in your aquarium.Other ways to remove or keep bubble algae out of the saltwater fish tank include:

• Adding algae eaters to your tank. Blennies and saltwater tangs are good options. Emerald crabs and foxface rabbitfish may be effective as well.

• Using a siphon to clean the gravel, and have a professional saltwater aquarium maintenance technician clean your tank regularly.

• Avoiding overfeeding fish in your tank, which will have a negative domino effect on the overall habitat.

• Keeping your filters working properly.

• Considering using a safe solution that helps to control algae growth, such as API Marine AlgaeFix or a similar product.

TAGS: Blenny, Bubble Algae, Control Algae Growth, Emerald Crab, Foxface Rabbitfish, Saltwater Aquarium, Saltwater Tang, Valonia Ventricosa,