Tag Archives: Saltwater Aquarium

admin    January 29, 2020   CATEGORY: Fish Facts ,Saltwater Aquariums

17 Facts about Starfish and How to Care for Them in Home Aquariums

Starfish must be one of the most unique and recognizable sea creatures known to man. Stunning in appearance, you can’t even tell if they are alive most of the time, but they’re sure intriguing to watch when they do move.

Many hobbyists enjoy adding starfish in aquariums, but here’s a fair warning: starfish are not for beginners. These creatures are very particular about water temperature and quality, so a great deal of skill and experience is required to care for them.

What can we say? Just like some other stars, they can be rather high strung and enjoy being the center of attention.

If you are a longtime hobbyist who is considering obtaining your first starfish, on the other hand, here are a few fun facts and care tips you should know.

1. Don’t let that smooth, calm, innocent demeanor fool you. Starfish will eat just about everything and destroy anything that gets in their way, including coral and even other starfish.

2. You will need a huge tank. At least 100 gallons is ideal.

3. The scientific name for the most common types of starfish (sea and cushion stars) is Asteroidea. Truly, has the scientific name of anything ever made more sense?

4. Two other types of starfish are Ophiuroidea (brittle, serpent, and basket stars) and Crinoidea (feather stars and sea lilies in the subclass Articulata).

A group of starfish are shown with their arms curled in different angles. There are many amazing facts about starfish, such as the fact that they have an eye at the end of each arm.

One of the amazing facts about starfish is that it can lose one of its arms in order to protect itself if its body becomes too warm.

5. Their tanks should include rock, coral, and sand, which they like to kick up and play in.

6. Some starfish will eat algae, but generally, be prepared to give them the good stuff. Even frozen fish food like clams, shrimp, or other meats might not satisfy their appetite, but you can feed them these.

7. Salinity levels should be almost untraceable. Generally, aim for 1.023 to 1.026.

8. Starfish come from the ocean, but they can be in tropical climates or arctic climates. For that reason, the temperature that starfish prefer will vary. Typically, the temperature should be between 72 and 78 degrees, but speak with our aquarium maintenance technician to determine the perfect temperature for your tank.

9. Based on a recent study, it’s dangerous if a starfish’s core rises above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. As seen during the study, to protect itself, it seemed to divert heat to its arms. If an arm stayed too warm for a few days, the arm would become soft and fall off.

10. A starfish has five eyes: one at the end of each of its arms. Talk about having eyes around your head.

11. Speaking of a head, it doesn’t actually have one. It doesn’t have a brain either.

12. Things are rather upside down and twisted in its world. Its mouth is on the underside of its body, and its bottom is on top.

13. They are covered by spiny skin.

14. A starfish has hundreds of tube feet that it uses to move around. They’re a little like suction cups on an octopus, but in a long, tubular form.

15. There are approximately 2,000 species of sea stars.

16. They do not have gills, scales, or fins, which brings us to our final facts about starfish. …

17. We’d hate to burst your bubble, but we just have to tell you this. Starfish aren’t fish at all. They’re actually called echinoderms and are related to sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for saltwater fish tank installation and maintenance in Phoenix, Arizona.

TAGS: Aquarium Maintenance, Saltwater Aquarium, Starfish, Wildlife Habitat,

Basic components of a reef tank include saltwater fish, coral, filters, gravel, rock, and a lighting source.

admin    November 29, 2019   CATEGORY: Reef Aquariums

Aquarium Installation: Basic Components of a Reef Tank

We love saltwater reef tanks for many reasons. If you’re planning to have a saltwater aquarium installed in your home soon, we have no doubt that you will be just as entranced as we are. Whether you’re working with Seatech Aquariums or installing the fish tank on your own, it’s important to understand the basic components of a reef tank.

A reef tank is gorgeous, but you need several basic elements to ensure it stays as beautiful as it was on Day One.

Components of a Reef Tank

1. The Tank

It’s important to choose a properly sized tank for the quantity and breeds of fish you will have in your aquarium. You will also have to decide whether you want an acrylic tank or a glass tank.


2. The Plants

You can use either artificial plants or live plants in your reef tank. There are numerous differences, but here’s the long and short of it. Artificial plants may be easier to maintain, but live plants are prettier, more natural, and possibly offer more health benefits to the ecosystem with the proper maintenance.


Whatever you do, including plants in your reef tank is a must for several reasons:

  • Improved health of the fish
  • More enjoyment for the fish
  • Increased security for the fish
  • More oxygenation within the aquarium
  • Natural filtration of the water
Components of a reef tank should include plants and coral.

Basic components of a reef tank should include plants and coral.

3. Gravel

Gravel serves as natural filtration for an aquarium. It also traps some of the matter to keep it out of the water. Additionally, some animals like to burrow into it for safety and play.

Remember to include gravel and bottom feeders, such as this Cory Catfish, in your saltwater reef fish tank.

Include gravel and bottom feeders, such as this Cory Catfish, in your saltwater reef fish tank.

4. Filters

Having a filtration system in the tank is a must. The types of filters you should use depends on the size of your tank, as well as the species and quantity of livestock. There are a wide range of styles and brands, so if you’re not sure which type of filter is best, contact us for guidance.

5. Lights/Heaters

Some saltwater fish prefer cooler water, but others do need warmth. You will also need lighting to beautify the tank and to allow you to see inside. You can buy them separately or purchase one device that provides both heat and light.

6. Coral

The highlight of choosing a reef tank is to be able to add the beautiful coral. Coral aids in the development of a natural environment for fish, and it beautifies the tank like nothing else can. The appearance, quality, and size of coral is as varied as the fish in your tank, but some hobbyists prefer certain types of coral over others.

Much of the beauty of a reef tank is in the coral. Coral such as this Euphyllia Hammer Coral add color and excitement to your saltwater fish tank.

Much of the beauty of a reef tank is in the coral. Coral such as this Euphyllia Hammer Coral add color and excitement to your underwater community.


7. RODI Salwater

It’s clear that you need filtered water for the tank. Never, ever use tap water, as the chemicals in tap water can irritate the skin and eyes of your fish. Specifically, we prefer reverse osmosis deionized water for fish tanks, and it’s all we use to fill tanks and clean the tank and decor.


8. Bottom Feeder

Bottom feeders such as catfish and shrimp can be an intriguing addition to your reef tank.


Many bottom feeders have unique characteristics and appearances, further enhancing the beauty of your tank. Most importantly, they can help keep the aquarium healthier by eating the algae, leftover food, decaying plants, and natural debris that may be at the bottom of the tank.

Ghost shrimp are among the most popular bottom dwellers and least expensive shrimp for a fish tank.

Ghost shrimp are among the most popular bottom dwellers and least expensive shrimp for a fish tank.

9. Rock

Whether you choose live rock or dry rock, be sure to include at least one in your tank. Similar to the gravel, plants, and bottom feeders, they serve as natural filters. Additionally, they can provide a place for shy animals to hide and playful animals to play.

Components of a reef tank include rock and other decor.

Adding live rock, artificial rock, and decor into your reef tank serves several purposes, including beautifying the tank, filtering the tank, and giving the fish a place to play.

Reef Aquarium Installation and Maintenance

Seatech Aquariums can install and design colorful, beautiful, and lively reef aquariums throughout the Phoenix area. We can install the basics such as climate control, filtration, and lighting, as well as beautify the landscape with rock, coral, and livestock.

For more information about our reef tank installation and maintenance services, see our website or give us a call.

Contact Seatech Aquariums for saltwater fish tank installation and maintenance in Phoenix, Arizona.

TAGS: coral reef, Reef Aquarium, Saltwater Aquarium, Saltwater Fish Tank,